Opening Ceremonies - Teams should arrive in uniform by 8:30 AM.
Team schedules TBA
Only players that DID NOT attend Evals on the 18th must attend. Rookies Division and up is required to attend one Evaluation. Tball does not need to attend.
Check-in starts at 9AM. Player evaluations are mandatory for Rookie Division and up. Tball is not required to evaluate.
Anyone interested in coaching a team must attend the Coaches meeting on Jan 15th at 6:30 pm at our field.
Live registration in-person at the field.
Screening Home Alone
6PM - Junior Motorboaters 610PM - Minor Rays 620 PM - Tball - Jamie B 630PM - Tball - Chantel 640PM - Tball - Jamie 650 PM- Rookie Phillies 7PM - Rookie Thunder 710PM - Minor Pirates 720PM - Major Yankees
Greater Hudson Little League is hosting a fun and exciting night of trunk or treat for the community! This event is open to anyone and everyone. Dress up in your costumes and come out for a night of fun! If you are a business o...
Please send one parent to represent your team to receive important information regarding this season!
Parents meeting & Meet the coach!
Are you looking to join the BOARD? Please make sure to message or email us so you can be placed on the ballot! Voters....... Must have 30 Volunteer Hours Must be 18 Years of Age Must be in Good Standing
Gates Open 8:30 am Opening Ceremonies 9am First Pitch 10am
Motorboaters - 5:45pm Tball - 5:55pm Rays - 6:05pm Tball - 6:15pm Shrimp - 6:25pm Yankees - 635pm
11611 Denton Ave. Hudson, Florida 34667
Phone: 727-487-2255
Email: [email protected]